Poems of kindness 

Get ready

By Aufie Zophy

Get ready
Get ready for beauty
Get ready, Man
Get ready, M'am
Get ready boys and girls

Beauty is in the sky
Beauty on the water, under the water
On the ground, in the ground, under it
In your soul, in your heart, in your mind
It is in the eyes, on the face
Beauty is everywhere
Get ready for a beautiful day

Get ready
Get ready for wisdom
Get ready, Man
Get ready, M'am
Get ready, boys and girls

Wisdom is in the sky
It is everywhere on the rise
It lies in the random kind act
In the books, in your smile
On the net, in the work we do
In the prayers we say.
Wisdom is on the rise

Get ready,
Get ready for kindness and love
Get ready, Man
Get ready, M'am
Get ready boys and girls

Kindness is coming
It is in a bullet train, an unstoppable TGV
Millions on board already
Gathering momentum, Exponential increases
The train moves at dazzling speed
With open doors, sucking in more and more people
Soon a billion will be on board
Then it will take only seconds
To envelop the whole wide world.

Get ready for a beauty revolt
Get ready for a wisdom revolution
Get ready for a huge kindness revolution.


History of the future

By Aufie Zophy

Tired at night, I went to sleep
I slept tremendously deep
I slept a very long time

I woke up in October of 2110
and some history books of then
were laying in that room of mine

How exciting it was, how queer
to read the history of the coming years
I was in for quite a surprise

The heroes of the 2020's history books
were labelled as what they were, just crooks
Heroes in 2110 were nobody else than the wise

There were some wise people, so clever
who brought to us kindness and wisdom forever
these are the heroes of 2110

Among the heroes, prophets and thinkers were found
poets of wisdom, their names all around
Sages and wise ones from way back,2010

In 2110, from what I could read
there was no longer hunger, no more greed
thanks to the poets sharing wonderful words

I prayed to go back to the time when I had started to sleep
I wanted to share that news, so good, so profound and deep
I was happy to wake up in the now, my prayers were heard

So here I share the wonderful news at last
That greed and hunger will soon be a thing of the past
it all 'll have started in 2021 during spring

History books of the future mention a kindness revolution
Starting in May 2021, affecting all subsequent evolution
Isn't that a wonderful thing?

Sea of kindness

Aufie Zophy

A strong belief sits in my heart

that soon everyone will know
who and what we really are.

All will understand life, and mind.
Cheap pleasure will just be cheap.
Only values will be valuable.

Soon we will see a huge revolution
of kindness, honesty, compassion, friendship
love, tenderness, sweetness,  cordiality

Happiness will be readily available.
All will know where to find it:
Right in the middle of that sea of kindness

A cup of enthusiasm

Aufie Zophy

The morning sun rises
Its silky warmth kisses my skin
Soft yellow rays fly straight to my heart
Exquisite colors make the sky smile

What a wonderful way for a day to start
I drink a cup of enthusiasm
Freshly plucked from the most beautiful tree
And the loving winds of care and kindness
Carry me to a place where the world needs me

A day of sweet labor, coming from deep within
A positive difference joyously made
A satisfied soul, peace taking over my mind
The trees still smile, the light doesn't fade

Flowers of Kindness

A small flower in the desert of greed

Sheds some fragrance, sheds a seed.

Two little flowers in the desert of need

Each a bit of fragrance, each gives a seed

Four small flowers growing among weed

Fragrance increases, and yet another seed

Flowers, eight and sixteen and soon thirty two

More and more fragrance and more seeds too.

Sixty four, two fifty six, more than a thousand soon

no more place for weed, crumbling greed and needs,

A million flowers each shed fragrance and seeds

The desert of greed and need and weed recedes 

Small acts of kindness, the fragrance will spread

Greed and stress, no more; peace of mind instead

Awareness growing, weed by weed reaches death

Equality an illusion, inequality has no solution

as long as we wait for big shots' contribution

What we really need now is a kindness revolution

It won't be the crooks, the ones who now lead the greed

It won't be the sand in the desert that alleviates the need

Small acts of kindness are fragrance and seed

A billion flowers of kindness, it's easy to see.

A true revolution on its way, as fast as can be.

It depends not on presidents, but on you and on me

Aufie Zophy


Tonight I was peeping silently in my heart.
You know what I found?
I found peace sitting there
I found an awful lot of kindness planted there

I find so much love, ready to be given away. Then I was confronting my mind:
Hey, mind, if there is so much peace, kindness and love in my heart,
why do you not make full use of it and let me enjoy it all, every day?

I got to understand that it was not my mind that was to blame.
Mind was just obeying my own choices I made day by day.
It was thinking the thoughts I was wanting it to think.

But I wanted to choose peace, kindness and love all the time.
I was praying for it and searching for it!

Why did I choose the thoughts that brought so often the opposite?

Reason chipped in with a thought:
Perhaps, you are looking for peace, love and kindness in the wrong place
You seem to keep looking for it and expect it from the outside all the time
Now you have seen where it really sits, it is perhaps time to start looking from within.

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